2016年5月27日 星期五

Friday's pick/周五挑 vol. 12 - 異仁

Bom Voyage FB page每逢星期五3pm都會刊登“Friday's pick/周五挑” 環節,介紹一下本地樂手/樂隊!
今日介紹既樂隊係異仁! 異仁可以解作二人,亦可以解作 "兩位奇人異士。用"二人"形容呢個二人男女組合,當然非常貼切啦! 咁究竟佢地兩位又有幾奇異呢? 不如睇睇佢地點講啦!
(BV = Bom Voyage 8 = 8@異仁,H= Hya@異仁)
BV: 你地形容異仁係“奇人異士” 你地認為自己最奇異既係邊方面?
8: 最奇異係左揾右揾都係兩個人,但聲音除左人聲結他聲仲有好多種。我地喜歡揀d 一般busker唔會揀既歌,用d 正常人唔用既手法改編正常既歌。
BV: 講講你地既組成經過丫!
H: 由以往3人樂隊年代High&Low(Guitar Vocal Cajon) ,基於成員各自既發展,後來只剩下我自己和新成員8 成為今日既異仁。重組之後,我地係兩個人既創造上揾到想要既聲音,就算好多合作夥伴問我地會唔會加人,我地都堅持異仁造出黎既效果。雖然係二,但絕對唔止二。
BV: 你地主要都係重新改編一D cover歌黎玩, 有冇都玩原創或會創作更多自己既作品呢?
8: 有,其實我地最近一兩個月閉關創作中。暫時3首寫緊一d香港人生活既主題,希望將來個題材範圍更廣。
BV: 你地係唔係一開始就係以acoustic group形成出現? 香港近年越來越多玩小清新既acoustic groups, 同時亦越來越多busker出現! 你地覺得最主要係因為土地問題, 口味問題定有冇其他原因?
8: 係,不過其實兩位成員以前都是玩Full Band的,不過要搵到真心為音樂付出時間精神甚至金錢的人不多,而有時候兩個人要約練習或者做任何決定都會比人多容易,所以最後就決定這樣行了。
H: 越見到勇敢既人出黎,就會有越多人更加覺得自己都做得到,對於香港黎講,越多音樂人都係件好事。 當然acoustic 本身係種帶到舒服感覺俾人地既音樂,但我地係acoustic之上自己希望添加更多新元素,亦會跳出清新既口味,唔想再令聽眾局限於以往對acoustic既印象。 就好似Jelly Bean有好多口味,但我地就係個種奇怪口味。
BV: 最喜歡香港邊d acoustic groups/歌手?
H: 盧冠廷!所有人都可以玩音樂,但一直堅持自己初衷既唔多。欣賞佢既堅持!
BV: 黎緊有咩大計?
8: 好希望好希望搞到一場自己既音樂會,除左異仁,仲會有異仁+既出現(即係更多樂手既版本)

2016年5月20日 星期五

Friday's pick/周五挑 vol. 11 - 紫葵

Bom Voyage FB page每逢星期五3pm都會刊登“Friday's pick/周五挑” 環節,介紹一下本地樂手/樂隊!
今日介紹既樂隊係紫葵! 喜歡J rock既佢地,同時都受到古典音樂既影響。加入小提琴音樂元素既rock band,香港並唔常見! 想了解佢地更多,就快d click入去睇下啦!

2016年5月17日 星期二

Winewalk 2016 Light Jazz performance

Fashion Walk及Time Out Magazine 去年合辦的Winewalk大受歡迎,所以 今年捲土重來! 剛過去的周末,再度於銅鑼灣Fashion Walk及食街一帶舉辦Winewalk2016。 Bom Voyage有幸參與此盛事,負責當日的音樂表演環節! 當日Andy及Vincent,以簡單的一支saxophone加一支結他,為大家提供了數小時的動聽jazz music!

2016年5月13日 星期五

Friday's pick/周五挑 vol. 10 - Once

Bom Voyage FB page每逢星期五3pm都會刊登“Friday's pick/周五挑” 環節,介紹一下本地樂手/樂隊!
(BV = Bom Voyage O = Once)
BV: 你地點解會叫Once, 有冇咩特別意思?
O: “Once”我地解作”只有一次”, 人生有好多事情可能都係”只有一次”, 例如機會、夢想、人, 好多野都係有時限, 要好好把握同珍惜呢D只會o係一生出現一次o既事同人, 如果仲未有就應該好好去找尋
BV: Once組成前, 你地部份成員都曾經組成過Glitter, 炫樂團等…點解唔用舊band名延續下去?因為重新組成一隊新band又要重新開始過, 都唔容易呢!
O: 每一次有成員變動, 由其是當主音有變動, 我地o既音樂都有相當大o既轉變, 大部份o既歌都會為主音重新打做, 有如一隊新樂隊(笑); 其實舊名累積返黎o既東西並不是太重要, 一個新o既Line up最重要係展望將來, 繼續用舊名有時反而會顧慮會否對樂隊建立o既野有影響而無法大膽去做呢
BV: 邊d樂隊/樂手對你地既影響最深? 除左日本樂隊/歌手之外, 都有喜歡其他國家的樂隊/樂手嗎?
O: 團員喜歡o既日本樂隊/歌手有太多了, 但除左日系音樂之外, 我地每位成員都各自喜歡好多唔同o既樂隊/樂手/歌手, 例如Belle鍾意My Little Airport、Epica; Rei鐘意Linkin Park、SUM 41; Gami鍾意Lenny Kravitz、五月天; 石仔鍾意Toe等, 我地偶然會o係Studio播自己喜歡o既Live DVD, 迫其他人睇, 哈哈~ 影響o既話, 我相信大家都一定係最受自己o既老師影響(除非唔係)。
BV: Once既曲風跟剛組成時開始慢慢有d轉變, 你會點形容你地樂隊既風格?
O: Once一開始想走清新路線(偽文青!?!?!?!?), 所以曲風都係輕快, 節奏比較明亮; 大家磨合左一段時間之後開始想有其他嘗試, 漸漸發現有其他方面可以令大家發揮得更好, 所以曲風亦漸漸有改變。大致上我地仍然係POP、Pop Rock, 不過o係音樂當中加左其他原素, 偶然會將Funk、拉丁甚至Metal o既元素偷偷編入曲中
BV: 你認為香港組band難嗎? 呢10年間你地覺得有什麼轉變?
O: 難, 影響得最深o既, 相信係由於網絡世界o既發達。雖然而家要發佈一D消息或新動向係比10年前易左, 但正因為太發達, 太多資訊, 接收o既人可能只能選擇性去接收, 甚至可能比其他資訊蓋過左而根本睇唔到。發佈o既人要更加更加攪盡腦汁, 點樣先可以令更多人”開始”留意到呢?(萬事起頭難) 點樣先可以吸引到人地睇/聽呢? 亦因為噤, 近年樂隊無論o係歌曲、技術同配套上, 都比以前做得更認真同專業。除此之外, 唔知係唔係因為大家上網已經可以睇到/聽到好多野, 無需要花時間踏出門口去睇/聽Live, 無需要花錢去買CD, 好多野都希望有免費, 呢個其實係一個惡性循環, 當大家都唔願意付出, 創作o既一班好難可以維持, 然後就沒有然後。曾經有人話”唔好成日問人地點解唔支持自己, 問下自己有d咩值得人去支持”, 無錯, 要人支持係需要理由, 但眼見好多其實做得好好o既樂隊/樂手/歌手始終都仍然未能夠做到全職, 即使天王級o既Live, 君不見仍然有唔少人R免費飛? 有人甚至講過如果家駒係生o係呢個年代, 應該連佢都未必做到上去, 可見而家香港組Band有幾難。
BV: 你地最希望Once可以實現到既係?
O: 希望我地o既音樂可以感染到人, 帶比人反思同啟發; 最想o既當然係成音職業樂隊, 走得更遠
BV: 講講你地黎緊有咩大計!
O: 首先想換左Studio部冷氣, 夏天將至, 冷氣舊年已經壞左, 再唔換就無辦法o係上面錄音(因為太熱)。換完冷氣之後呢, 我地就會繼續努力做歌同錄音同做LIVE, 希望好快有新歌送比大家!

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2016年5月6日 星期五

Friday's pick/周五挑 vol. 9 - DR.EGGS

提起五月,除了五月天之外,相信好多朋友都會想起每年一度,致力推廣法國文化及藝術的盛事 - Le French May (法國五月)
為了配合French May呢個主題,好開心邀請到一位好有份量既法國音樂人Joul (Dr Egg) 參與今次Friday's pick既報導!
Let's celebrate for Le French May! Special thanks to the talented French musician plus the leader of DR EGGS, Joul for participating at our Friday's pick column of the day!
(BV = Bom Voyage J = Joul@Dr Eggs)
BV: When did you move to Hong Kong and your reason for coming here?
J: It was about 10 years ago now. I was visiting my parents. They were working in Hong Kong at that time. I decided to stay. I was touring a lot in Europe but wanted to try the Asian stage diving.
BV: I’ve noticed about some changes of your lineup since 2005. You like to reform your lineup for different chemical reactions or because of some other reasons?
J: Dr.EGGS is like a collective. Some people pass by, some people stay. They are all welcome. It’s more according to people’s schedule. In Hong Kong people needs to spend a lot of time in their job, they can’t always follow me every where just because it’s cool to do it.
BV: Have you lived or stationed at other places apart from Hong Kong during the past few years?
J: I did grow up in Thailand, I stayed in different places in France, Barcelona and then Hong Kong.
BV: How do you feel about the music culture or music scene in Hong Kong? (please talk about both indie and majors) And the differences you’ve found between Hong Kong and other countries (Europe, Asia etc) about music and indie musicians?
J: Hong Kong is a great place to live but it’s a terrible place for music. And I think for culture in general. I hear, since 10 years, people saying that the music scene in Hong Kong is getting better and better but that’s a total lie.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that musicians or bands are bad. But what do we have here ? What is the government doing for us ? Where are musicians supporting each other except writing on Facebook “Support your local scene – come to my show”, How many proper venue do we have (much less than 5 years ago). We see the same bands again and again at every event just because they have a manager who knows everybody, and an audience who has a problem to pay HK$130 for a show with 4 bands (including a drink) but wouldn’t mind spending HK$500 in a hour in LKF.
See, now, China is doing better than us now. Malaysia, Taiwan even Indonesia. Not to mention Europe or America
But Hong Kong got money. So what is going on ?
I am not familiar enough with the Majors
People like to say that it's all about Canto pop and I think it's a bit cliche.
But from what I heard and from people I know from this industry, it's sounds more like : poppy puppy gum than anything else. And anyone who try to change this will not have the same attention.
However, this days, my respect go to Kung and every Street Music he does, showing an eclectic program, Stranded Whale, GDJYB, Sensilion, Orange Peel for being so open mind (knowing the cost of the rent) and many more.
BV: Recently, you are appearing on some TVB dramas and also on Apple Daily. Do you think you can receive more job or music opportunities here since you are a French guy? Or what’s good and bad being a French guy here?
J: I don’t think it’s about nationality and French aren’t better than any one else.
I always did this kind of things. It's fun. I always like to put costume and disguise myself. I was probably a cabaret dancer in another life. So acting make that need come true.
I m just taking every opportunity I have to do something different.
BV: Your future plans of DR EGGS?
J: We are planning this big show in Jupiter planet. So far we have all the equipment that we built ourselves in our studio. But we need more sponsors as you know the transportation is the main issue. I am very excited about that. Meanwhile we are recording 7 albums for 2016. But will probably keep only 5 songs out of this. I m learning panpipes those days. It's a great instrument and will join my friend Andy Lau for his next Las Vegas tour.